Volunteers Needed for Jessica Ridgeway Memorial Park

971523_536922089676720_1020608499_n The Jessica Ridgeway Memorial Park needs YOU to come and help install Wood Fibers to help the construction of the park. The city of Westminster is looking for volunteers that would like to help on Saturday, August 17th 2013 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. They are looking for people to volunteer in 2 hour shifts. any children that wish to volunteer must be accompanied by an adult. There will be a lunch break from Noon until 1 pm. Volunteers are asked to bring gloves, shovels, and rakes if possible

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. Please do not wear opened toed shoes such as flip-flop or other style sandals for safety reasons. Please be aware that parking will be limited and you will be asked to park at Westview or simply walk or bike to the park to help out. Water and Snacks to be provided. If you would like to volunteer please contact Patti Wright, Open Space Volunteer Coordinator at 303-658-2201 or at pwright@cityofwestminster.us