Jessica's Angels

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When there is a tragedy like Jessica's in the community there are those who will stand up and want to make a difference. Alexander G. Groen, a Pomona High School student, founded Jessica's Angels. Here is what Alex has to say about Jessica's Angels: 

In memory of Jessica Ridgeway, Pomona High School Student Council would ask you for your participation in a project named Jessica’s Angels. This project will involve all 5 high schools in the area (Pomona, Standley Lake, Arvada, Arvada West and Ralston Valley) getting together after school, and providing a watch service for the kids from elementary feeder schools in the area. Through this service, your student council will get a list of feeder schools located near your high school

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. Our job will be to go to those schools every day after school to provide additional eyes for the kids as they return home. We would be continuing this service as long as necessary until the culprit in Jessica’s case is put to justice. The situation that occurred with Jessica was incredibly tragic, and the individual who did the crimes is still on the loose. With the help of you, we have an opportunity to make a difference. If we go to these elementary schools every day after school, we will be increasing the safety of kids to ensure that the individual cannot do this on our watch again. We, as a community, can turn the mourning and sadness of Jessica’s death into positive energy to do common good for the children in our area. If done successfully, we will have students from all high schools in our community watching at all of our elementary schools. Our goal in the long run is to provide protection to the kids and peace of mind for their kids. We will eventually have an opportunity to get the media involved, allowing us to let the culprit know that they will no longer get away with what they did to Jessica, because we, Jessica’s Angels, will be watching.

If you are interested in being a part of Jessica’s Angels, please contact these Pomona High School Student Council representatives:

Alex Groen (Main Contact):

We want to thank Alex for all of his efforts and anyone else who is going to help keep Jessica's Angels running, making our community safer for our children.

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